Why not try a science experiment or two!
If you are having difficulties or would like to share your learning, please email
Each Wednesday at 9:30am, Steve Backshall is live on Twitter and You Tube.
Can you make a catapult that will launch a cotton wool ball? Watch the video and have try. Experiment and find out!
Some excellent ideas which are relatively easy to source and are broken down into year groups.
Virtual Zoos
Perhaps you would like to have a look around a zoo and see all the different animals.
Dinosaur Classroom
A site full of learning and activities for children from 3-7 and 7-11 years old. One of the activities is making fossils from salt dough. Big Jurassic Classroom
What makes the best solution for blowing bubbles? Experiment and find out!
Rainbows - In keeping with the wonderful rainbow activities, have a look at
It even includes an experiment showing you how to make a rainbow using skittles!
Fossils - A site full of learning and activities for children from 3-7 and 7-11 years old. One of the activities is making fossils from salt dough.
Space - NASA Has Made Their Entire Photo Gallery Available Online and Copyright Free, take a look!
The Great Bug Hunt 2020 - Usually undertaken in school but has now been extended to home learning. The challenge is simple – take your children into the garden or any outside space you own and see what bugs they can find!
Simply point them at the nearest hedges, flower beds, trees, long grass, logs, stones, rocks let them explore and then report back to us what they have found.
Make it into a project – if they find a spider or woodlouse, find out all about it. Draw it, examine it (carefully!), what does it eat, where does it live – maybe even write a story or poem about it, design a poster, shoot a video and then email by the 12th June to (use mailbigfile free to send large files).
Maybe you’ll find a spider under the bed, maybe you’ll have a bug hunt indoors, maybe your explorers could learn about a habitat or insect online, the options are endless – with a little bit of imagination…