5. How will the school staff support my child?
All adults in school are motivated to help your child do well. Whilst class teachers have responsibility for their children’s learning, they work closely with the leadership team, Teaching Assistants (TAs) and other support staff to provide the best possible education for your child. The way in which we support children varies according to their needs and the provision available; sometimes just a short targeted intervention is needed to close the gap in their learning.
The Primary National Strategy introduced a three-tiered approach to support called Wave 1,2 & 3 and this generally signifies the support a child may receive. Wave 1 is high quality differentiated teaching by the class teacher which every child receives. This is characterised by planning which is inclusive to all pupils within the lesson. For children it might include working in a group with an adult or having tasks differentiated. Wave 2 refers to additional short term interventions to support pupils who are under-achieving, have a gap in their learning, have a specific learning need or have English as an additional language. Wave 3 implies individualised additional provision which may be 'One-to One' or may be long-term. We measure the effectiveness of any support by the progress a child makes during the course of the intervention. Quite often we have found that the accelerated progress a child makes during an intervention results in an increased confidence in what was an area of weakness and this is frequently carried through into later years.
Occasionally a child's behaviour causes concern and a Behaviour Management Plan is written; this is shared with parents, teaching and non-teaching staff in order that consistency of approach can be maintained. We are pro-active in maintaining high standards of behaviour and respect through the consistent application of our Behaviour Policy in conjunction with the Christian ethos of the school.
Sometimes we need advice from agencies outside school; parental permission is needed for this. With parent's agreement this could include contact with agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy, Behaviour Support Team, The Educational Psychology service, Child and Mental Health Service (CAMHS) as well as many others.
Where pupil’s needs are complex and need long-term outside-agency involvement, a Statutory Assessment may be requested which could lead to an 'Education, Health and Care Plan,'(EHCP), being granted, (formerly a Statement of Special Educational Needs.)