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St Alban's C of E Aided Primary School

Inspired to make a difference in God’s world with excellence and love

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The School Day

Morning Session       08:55 - 12:00

Afternoon Session    13:00 - 15:10 (KS1)

                                    13:00 - 15.15 (KS2)


Children may arrive from 08:45 and enter their classrooms. The register will be taken at 08:55.


In KS1 (Years R-2) parents/carers will need to bring their child into the playground and drop them off at the exterior classroom door where they can briefly speak to their child’s teacher if necessary.


In KS2 (Years 3-6) parents may drop their child off at the external door in the KS2 playground, where a member of staff will be available to take messages for the class teacher if necessary.

Year R Handbook 2023-2024
