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St Alban's C of E Aided Primary School

Inspired to make a difference in God’s world with excellence and love

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The School Day

Morning Session08:55 - 12:00
Afternoon Session13:00 - 15:25 (KS1)
13:00 - 15.30 (KS2)
Morning Break10:30-10:45
Lunch Break12:00-12:50


The school day begins at 8.55am. However, to ensure that all children are in school and ready to learn at this time, doors open from 8.45am for the registration period. If a child arrives after 8.55am they must be brought to the school office by a parent/carer to be signed in.


For safety reasons, no child should arrive before 8.45am (unless they are attending a club/breakfast club) as staff are not available to supervise them before this time.


EYFS and KS1 children should be taken directly to their classroom external door by their parents/carer and not allowed to enter the school site on their own. KS2 children should enter the school via the blue door on the KS2 playground where a member of staff will be available to take messages from parents to class teachers if necessary. The gates to both playgrounds will be shut promptly at 8.55am.    


The school day ends at 3.25pm for children in Year R and KS1. It ends at 3.30pm for children in KS2.


Parents may wait in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds at the end of the day to collect their child.  The gates to these playgrounds will be opened a few minutes before children are due to finish.

If your child is being picked up by somebody other than the normal person, please inform us in advance so that we can release your child at the end of the day.

PE Days


Year RWednesday
Year 1Monday and Thursday
Year 2Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 3Tuesday and Thursday
Year 4Monday and Thursday
Year 5Monday and Friday
Year 6Wednesday and Thursday


Outdoor Learning 


Outdoor learning takes place on Wednesdays with Ms Newman. When it is their classes turn, children should come into school wearing their outdoor learning clothes and wellies (please also provide a spare pair of shoes/trainers for when wellies get muddy). We ask that children do not wear jeans or shorts for outdoor learning. They do not need to bring their school uniform to change into.


The class having outdoor learning this half term is Year 2.
