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St Alban's C of E Aided Primary School

Inspired to make a difference in God’s world with excellence and love

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St Alban’s is a mainstream Church of England (Aided) primary school, welcoming children from within the deanery of Havant. Our vision is to celebrate each child’s unique and special place in the eyes of God (our Admission Policy can be found on the school’s website).


This information should help answer questions you may have about:


  • How we identify children with additional needs
  • How we aim to meet their needs
  • What extra support we can provide and access
  • How to get extra help for your child
  • How the school checks that children are making progress
  • How parents are involved in school


The person in school responsible for coordinating additional needs is called the Special Educational Needs Coordinator. At St Alban’s this is Mrs Sarah Goldsworthy (Headteacher / Acting SENCo). Mrs Goldsworthy work with parents, teachers and other professionals who may be involved in supporting children within our school.


If you would like to contact Mrs Goldsworthy, please telephone 02392 482072 or email

In conclusion, we hope that this information answers the questions you may have and, if not, we would be very happy to meet you personally.


The Special Needs support at St Alban’s is part of a broader offer of support, information and advice through the local authority, called the ‘Local Offer’.  The Hampshire Education Local Offer is available on the South East 7 website:
