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St Alban's C of E Aided Primary School

Inspired to make a difference in God’s world with excellence and love

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9. What support is there for my child’s overall well-being?

We are fortunate in having a trained and experienced Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, (ELSA.) and a Home/School Link worker (HSL).  Children are likely to have time with one of them where there is a pastoral, emotional and social need. In addition our HSL support families who struggle with punctuality or attendance. Their work is confidential (unless a disclosure relating to safety is made.) Both staff members work with individual children and small groups or parents depending on the need. We also run ‘Social Skills’ groups, led by trained TAs. The safety and well-being of children underpins all we do in school and we foster an environment of courtesy, respect and self-confidence.


If a child has to take medication, both the school office staff and Senior Lunch time Supervisor are authorised to dispense it. The staff have regular training and updates of conditions affecting individual children so that all staff are confident to manage any medical situation. (A copy of the school’s Medicine's policy is available through the office or on the website.)
