Site Safety
Site Safety and Security
When dropping off or collecting your child, please do not allow them, or younger siblings, to play on the adventure playground or with school equipment. This is for use during the school day only and must be supervised by a member of staff.
For health and safety reasons, smoking (including electronic devices) and dogs are also not allowed on the school site at any time. Please could all parents also refrain from smoking on the pavements near to the school exits and entrance as these are incredibly busy areas and to do so would be unsafe for our children.
It is essential that all parents and visitors use only the main entrance and report to the school office. Anyone staying on the premises will be expected to sign in on arrival and sign out when leaving the school, and will be asked to wear a visitor's badge whilst in school. On occasions such as class worships or Celebration Worships, there will be a general sign in sheet available in the area the event is held. This supports our Health and Safety and Fire regulations.
Bringing Bikes to School
Please remind your children (including siblings) that they are not allowed to ride bikes or scooters anywhere on the school site at any time. If your journey to school involves cycling, children may leave their bike (or scooter) in our bike shed. This is located in the corner of the KS2 playground and will be available on a first come first served basis. If coming onto the site to use the bike shed, please ensure that bikes/scooters are walked onto the site, not ridden, as this is a very busy area and this would be unsafe for pedestrians.
Please note that scooters and bikes are left at your own risk and the bike shed is not monitored or under supervision. Please ensure that your child wears a bike helmet whilst riding their bike or scooter and that you use a suitable lock for your child’s bike or scooter if leaving it on our site in the bike shed. We ask that no bikes or scooters are left on our site overnight: we cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft at any time.
The school car park is very small and is for the use of staff only. Parking is very restricted in Littlegreen Avenue. Access is needed by emergency vehicles to both the local houses and to the school so the space in front of the double gates into the playground must be left clear at all times. We urge parents to park considerately at all times and to take notice of resident only parking areas, as well as not obstructing driveways. Please also take particular care not to park on grass verges so that we do not damage our local area.