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St Alban's C of E Aided Primary School

Inspired to make a difference in God’s world with excellence and love

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Home School Agreement

Below is a copy of our Home School Agreement which all families joining St Alban's are expected to sign as part of the admission process. Please get in touch with the office team using the information on our Contact Details page if you have any questions. 


In being entrusted with the care of your child, St Alban’s CE Primary School will:

  • Promote and demonstrate how to live out the Christian values that underpin the school.
  • Encourage children to value others and their surroundings, maintaining high standards of behaviour.
  • Encourage children to persevere, make progress and value the effort they make.
  • Inform parents of their children’s progress at regular parents’ evenings and through the annual written report.
  • Contact parents if there is a concern with attendance, punctuality or behaviour.
  • Keep parents informed about school activities through regular newsletters, giving parents as much notice as possible about events.
  • Work with parents to tackle any concerns.
  • Set regular and appropriate home learning for all pupils.
  • Ensure safe use of the internet at school through access limitations, staff supervision and teaching children how to stay safe online.


In choosing St Alban’s CE Primary School for their child, families will:

  • Support the Christian ethos of the school.
  • Make sure that their child arrives at school punctually and is collected on time.
  • Ensure that their child attends school, making all routine appointments outside of school hours and taking family holidays outside school term times.
  • Inform the school before 9.00am on the first day, and any subsequent day, of any unavoidable absence.
  • Return required documents as requested (e.g. permission slips)
  • Attend Parent Consultations to discuss progress.
  • Support their child with home learning, including regular reading.
  • Ensure that their child wears the correct school uniform (including appropriate hairstyles) and has the correct equipment for school.
  • Support and show respect to the policies of the school.
  • Work with the school and their child to promote positive behaviour and good learning attitudes, as well as supporting the behaviour policy and procedures of the school.
  • Ensure safe use of the internet at home (e.g. access through computers, iPads, mobile phones).
  • Ensure an adequate amount of sleep and a healthy diet.
  • Demonstrate acceptable conduct and behaviour towards other parents, staff and children (including any comments made online).


As a member of the St Alban’s CE Primary School family, children will:

  • Demonstrate the Christian values of the school.
  • Be polite and courteous to each other and to all adults.
  • Move quietly around the school building.
  • Make visitors and new members of the school feel welcome.
  • Respect other people’s and the school’s property.
  • Respect other people through words and actions.
  • Complete all home learning tasks promptly.
  • Persevere and try their best at all times.
  • Wear the St Alban’s uniform with pride and behave accordingly as a representative of our school.