Church School Inspection (SIAMS)
The School was inspected on 7 February 2018. The inspector interviewed parents, pupils and staff, observed teaching, scrutinised pupil work and a wide range of school documents.
The school was judged as outstanding in all categories.
A summary of our strengths highlighted the following:
The inspirational leadership at all levels articulates and promotes an exceptionally clear vision for the school rooted in Christian values.
Collective worship provides outstanding opportunities for celebration and expression, leading to profound spiritual development.
The quality of nurturing care that the school provides is very effectively supporting children, their families, staff and wider community groups.
- Children are developing into confident, thoughtful and highly reflective young people who show complete respect for diverse communities.
Please read the full report by clicking on the link below.
Thank you to the parents who were interviewed by our SIAMS inspector and a special well done to the children who were also interviewed. The inspector was incredibly impressed with the maturity and depth of their answers.